Do I Have a Chance With God?

I spoke at a funeral several months ago.  Afterwards, at the graveside, I wanted to bring some hope to the family different than I’ve ever heard before from any officiant or pastor. I wanted especiallyto communicate with the vast majority of Americann people who have not dotted their i’s or crossed their t’s with the proper scripture, verbage, commitment or ritual.  Yet they still want to hear if they have a chance for peace with God.

I told of a man who made his peace with God at the last possible moment.  Hanging next to Jesus on a stark Roman cross, he asked to be forgiven.  Jesus told him he would be with him that very day in paradise. 

I mentioned how this is not unusual for God to do.  In fact, it is in the very nature of God to do so.  I told them the story of the Waiting Father, there at the gate, his gaze upon the road his son once walked, away from him.  Day in, day out, he looked for the son he wished with all his heart to come home.  And when the son asked forgiveness, he was welcomed home and given a joyous celebration of homecoming.

I mentioned the mansions Jesus has gone to prepare for those who are forgiven by him.  It’s all there in the Bible and I tried to help them see a God who loves them and wants them to live with him forever.

The thief, the Waiting Father and the mansions prepared for us.  It’s a short story, but it reveals the heart of the God, the Father who longs to draw us to himself. 

I suspect, from what I know about the Bible and what I know about God, that he is far more forgiving than we give him credit for.  Notwithstanding, I know he loves every child ever born into this world.  That’s something I hold on to every day.

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